Use ALL of SkyCoach, Part 1

Are you using your SkyCoach subscription to its fullest extent?

Did you know that your SkyCoach subscription offers so much more than instant replay? While SkyCoach is the most reliable replay system on the market, our software offers so much more. Keep reading to learn more.

Film during practice for immediate viewing and fast upload. Instead of waiting until post-practice to review film, SkyCoach gives you the ability to review film during practice using our network OR WiFi/LTE. If working offline, SkyCoach connects quickly to the internet post practice and loads the film to the cloud so that it can be viewable by any one with the SkyCoach App on their iOS device or computer. Click here for directions on how to do this.

Trade film with ANYONE. SkyCoach not only offers this feature to current customers, but to everyone. Let me say this again, you can trade your already uploaded film with anyone. If someone doesn’t currently use SkyCoach, all they have to do is sign up for a free account here, and BOOM, you can trade with them!

Store your film for no additional cost. Say WHAAT? SkyCoach doesn’t charge for storage. EVER. If you are using SkyCoach in game, your film is already in your account and you simply have to sync it with the SkyCoach Cloud. You can also import additional film to SkyCoach and not worry about deleting anything OR feeling the need to hide video. There are no limits with SkyCoach and no hidden fees! SCORE!

Player Highlights. Your players or their parents can login using the View Only Account and create highlights without paying anything extra. Oh, and there is no branding on the film!

All School License. Oh yeah, don’t forget your entire school has access to SkyCoach. Any team can use it. That means your star softball player can have film on SkyCoach and create highlight videos for colleges as well, and it doesn’t impact ANY other team account. The cool thing is that the softball team doesn’t even have to use SkyCoach in-game—they can merely upload film post-game to create the highlights… FOR NO ADDITIONAL COST!

I will highlight even more in the next post, but definitely check into these things and start using SkyCoach to its fullest extent!!

If you have more questions, please contact SkyCoach at 318-629-5702.


Use ALL of SkyCoach, Part 2


Using SkyCoach at Practice